Are you a software developer who wants to increase your productivity and efficiency with AI tools? Are you looking for the best programming techniques that will help you automate mundane tasks, simplify development processes, and create more complex code? Look no further – the best AI programming tools are here to save the day! With this blog post, we’ll showcase some of the leading AI tools today and discuss how they can help make coding easier and faster. We’ll also go over some tips on choosing the right tool for your project so that you can get started coding smarter using artificial intelligence.

What is AI Programming and How Can It Help You Automate Code Faster

AI programming is the process of writing code that can learn, adapt, and solve complex problems. This type of programming is a subset of machine learning (ML), where the goal is to create intelligent software programs that can make accurate predictions or decisions based on data. AI programming combines concepts from computer science, mathematics, and statistics to give computers the ability to “think” like humans. Some tasks that can be automated with AI programming tools include natural language processing, image recognition, audio analysis, and video analysis.

With AI programming tools, developers can create code faster by automating tedious tasks and streamlining development processes. Using these powerful algorithms allows developers to create more complex coding projects without spending as much time debugging code. AI programming tools can also help to reduce errors and increase accuracy by self-correcting mistakes as the code is written.

Top AI tools: Here are our top picks

  1. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit: Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is a deep learning framework that supports distributed training and high-performance models on any platform. It also provides powerful tools for model optimization, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to create efficient AI applications.
  2. MXNet: MXNet is an open-source software library for machine learning. It has a highly efficient and optimized runtime that can be used to develop machine-learning models in both research and production environments.g
  3. OpenAI Gym: OpenAI Gym is an open-source library with a collection of environments for reinforcement learning, simulated robotics, and control tasks. OpenAI can visualize progress within each environment as well as track performance metrics in real-time.
  4. Theano: Theano is a Python library for performing mathematical operations with multi-dimensional arrays. It can be used to develop deep learning models and supports popular frameworks like TensorFlow.

10 Best AI Programming Tools


Key Features: TensorFlow is one of the most popular open-source software libraries for AI programming. Google developed it, and has been used to create a variety of ML-based applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition. TensorFlow provides developers with extensive tools that make it easy to build models based on deep learning algorithms. It also offers various APIs for training, deploying, and managing ML models.

User Experience: TensorFlow is a great choice for developers looking for an easy-to-use framework for their AI programming projects. It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to get started quickly. Additionally, TensorFlow offers extensive documentation and tutorials to help users learn how to use the software more effectively.

Pricing: TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library, so there are no licensing fees or upfront costs. However, depending on the project size, developers may need to purchase cloud computing resources or hardware.

What I Like: TensorFlow is a powerful and easy-to-use AI programming tool that can help developers automate tasks quickly. Additionally, it has extensive documentation and tutorials that make learning how to use the software easy. Lastly, there are no upfront costs or licensing fees, making this an affordable option for many developers.

What I Dislike: I don’t like that TensorFlow requires using cloud computing resources or hardware for larger projects. This can be costly, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Additionally, some developers may need help understanding how to use all of the features available in TensorFlow if they are new to AI programming.


Key Features: PyTorch is an open-source machine-learning library for Python. It offers powerful features such as data and model parallelism, distributed learning, automatic differentiation, and high-performance modules. PyTorch can be used to build deep neural networks perfect for AI-based applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems.

User Experience: PyTorch is easy to use and highly customizable. It offers support for CUDA GPUs so that users can create models on powerful hardware. It also has excellent documentation and tutorials that help developers get up to speed quickly. Pricing:

PyTorch is a free and open-source library, so users can download it for free and use it however they wish.

What I Like: I like that PyTorch is free and open-source, so developers can quickly get started building AI projects without needing a license. The library also has excellent documentation and tutorials that make learning how to use the library is easy. I also appreciate the powerful features such as data and model parallelism, which allow developers to create complex models on powerful hardware.

What I Dislike: I don’t like that PyTorch has fewer pre-trained models than some of the other AI programming tools on this list. This means that developers will need to build their own models from scratch, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, PyTorch is more complicated than some other tools on this list and may require more coding knowledge.


Key Features: Keras is a deep learning library written in Python that allows for easy and fast prototyping of neural networks. It provides a high-level API for developers to quickly build models with minimal code. Keras comes with various layers, optimizers, and loss functions to help you create complex architectures with great accuracy.

User Experience: Keras has a very intuitive API and easy-to-use layers, making it an ideal choice for developers just starting with AI programming. It also has great documentation and tutorials to help you get up and running quickly.

Pricing: Keras is open-source software and is free to use.

What I Like: Keras is a great choice for developers who are just starting with AI programming. It’s simple to use and offers plenty of features that allow you to quickly create models with high accuracy. I also like that it’s open-source and free to use.

What I Dislike: Keras is less powerful than some of the other AI programming tools out there. It offers fewer features and customization options than some of its competitors.


Key Features: Scikit-learn is a popular open-source machine-learning library designed for Python. It focuses on supervised and unsupervised algorithms such as linear regression, random forests, k-means clustering, and decision trees. The library also features tools for data mining, data analysis, and predictive modeling. Scikit-learn is great for developers looking to get started with AI programming and offers a wide range of tutorials and resources.

User Experience: Scikit-learn is easy to use and requires little coding knowledge. It is well documented, with plenty of tutorials and examples, making it a great starting point for developers just getting into AI programming.

Pricing: Scikit-learn is free and open source, making it accessible to developers of all levels.

What I Like: I like that Scikit-learn is open source and doesn’t require a lot of coding knowledge. It has all the features needed to create powerful AI programs without learning many complicated algorithms or syntax.

What I Dislike: Scikit-learn can be difficult to debug, and the documentation isn’t as comprehensive as other libraries.


Key Features: Caffe is an open-source deep-learning platform that can be used to develop, train, and deploy neural networks for various tasks. It features pre-trained models, auto-tuning capabilities, and multiple GPU support. Caffe also provides several tools for developers to create applications with minimal effort.

User Experience: Caffe is easy to use and highly customizable. It supports various programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++. With its intuitive user interface, developers can easily create applications with minimal effort.

Pricing: Caffe is free and open-source software. However, it does require an additional license for commercial use.

What I Like: I like Caffe because it’s easy to use and can be used to develop complex applications with minimal effort. It also offers a great range of features and supports multiple programming languages.

What I Dislike: The main downside of Caffe is that it requires an additional license for commercial use. Additionally, some users have reported slow performance when using multiple GPUs.

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)

Key Features: Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) is a powerful open-source deep learning library that supports development for both Windows and Linux systems. It offers state-of-the-art tools for training neural networks and performing advanced research. CNTK provides an easy-to-use interface that can optimize code quickly and efficiently. It features high scalability, performance, accuracy, and automatic hyperparameter tuning.

User Experience: CNTK is designed for developers of all skill levels, making it easy to get started with AI programming. Its intuitive user interface and comprehensive documentation make learning the basics a breeze. It also supports multiple languages, so you can pick the one you prefer. For those looking to build more advanced projects, CNTK offers numerous tutorials and guides that can get you up and running quickly.

Pricing: CNTK is completely free and open source, making it an excellent choice for developers on a budget.

What I Like: I like that CNTK is a comprehensive library with advanced features, yet easy for beginners to use. Its open-source nature and free pricing also make it an attractive option for developers on a budget.

What I Dislike: The only downside is that CNTK is a Windows-only library, so Mac and Linux users will have to look elsewhere for an AI programming solution.


Key Features: Theano is a powerful Python library for deep learning and machine learning. It offers a rich set of features that enable developers to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions with multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. Theano also offers an extensive library of numerical optimization routines such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD), Adamax, Adadelta, and RMSprop.

User Experience: Theano is easy to use and provides many features that enable developers to quickly create complex code. Its intuitive user interface allows developers to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions with multi-dimensional arrays efficiently.

Pricing: Theano is open source and completely free to use.

What I Like: Theano is a great tool for deep learning and machine learning. It offers a rich set of features that enable developers to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions with multi-dimensional arrays quickly and efficiently.

What I Dislike: Theano can be difficult to understand for beginner developers due to its complicated syntax and steep learning curve.


Key Features: MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that supports both CPU and GPU architectures. It was built with scalability, speed, and flexibility in mind, allowing developers to create highly accurate AI models faster. Some of its features include automated model optimization, distributed training for large datasets, support for popular programming languages like Python and R, and multiple API interfaces for different tasks. MXNet also provides an easy-to-use library of prebuilt models that can be used for rapid prototyping and time-to-market advancements.

User Experience: MXNet is relatively easy to use and has a well-documented API. It also supports multiple programming languages like Python, R, Java, and Scala, making it accessible to most developers. The MXNet website also offers tutorials and guides for beginners so they can get started quickly. Additionally, the framework is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes so users can always stay up to date.

Pricing: MXNet is free and open-source, allowing developers to use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

What I Like: I like that MXNet is open-source and free to use, as well as the fact that it supports multiple programming languages. The automated model optimization feature also makes it easy to speed up development times.

What I Dislike: I don’t like that the website doesn’t provide more detailed tutorials and guides for advanced users. Additionally, it can be easier to understand some of the more complex features with prior knowledge in deep learning or AI programming.

OpenAI Gym

Key Features: OpenAI Gym is an open-source toolkit for developing and testing reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides a wide range of environments to test different AI models, including simulations, 3D games, and robotics. OpenAI Gym also can visualize progress within each environment as well as track performance metrics in real-time.

User Experience: OpenAI Gym is a great tool for developers who want to get started with AI programming. The user-friendly interface makes setting up simulations and testing different algorithms easy. OpenAI Gym also provides helpful tutorials and resources to help you understand the basics of reinforcement learning and how to create successful AI models.

Pricing: OpenAI Gym is completely free and open source, making it an ideal choice for developers on a budget.

What I Like: I like that OpenAI Gym has a wide range of environments to test AI models and is free for anyone to use. The user-friendly interface also makes it easy to get started with coding for AI. Additionally, the ability to track performance metrics in real-time makes it great for debugging code.

What I Dislike: I don’t like that OpenAI Gym is less powerful than some of the other AI programming tools in this list. It also doesn’t have a lot of features for developers who want to create more complex models and algorithms.

Apache Singa

Key Features: Apache Singa is an open-source software library for deep learning. It supports popular models such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, with a focus on distributed training. This tool allows developers to quickly and easily create complex AI models that can be used to automate coding tasks. Apache Singa also supports various deep learning frameworks, including TensorFlow and Caffe.

User Experience: Apache Singa is easy to use and allows developers to quickly create AI models with minimal setup. The intuitive interface makes it a great choice for beginners, while advanced users can leverage its powerful features to create more complex projects. However, since Apache Singa is an open-source library, some features may not be current.

Pricing: Apache Singa is free and open source, making it a great choice for developers who want to get started with AI programming without spending any money.

What I Like: Apache Singa is a great choice for developers who need to quickly create AI models without spending money. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to use, while its powerful features make it suitable for more advanced projects.

What I Dislike: Since Apache Singa is an open-source library, some of its features may not be current. Additionally, its documentation can be difficult to understand for beginners.


Are AI programming tools expensive?

No, many AI programming tools are free and open-source, making them a great choice for developers on a budget. However, some more advanced tools may require a subscription or license.

What language do AI programming tools support?

I programming tools typically support popular programming languages like Python, Java, and R. Some also offer support for niche languages such as Scala or Julia.

Does using AI programming tools require prior knowledge of deep learning?

Not necessarily. Many AI programming tools are designed to be user-friendly and come with tutorials and resources that make it easy to get started. However, knowing deep learning or AI programming can be helpful for more complex projects.


Automating your code with the best AI programming tools can dramatically improve the efficiency of any development project—and it’s never been easier to do. Whether you’re a big tech company looking for an AI solution for complex applications or an individual coding hobbyist trying to save yourself time and make life in the lab simpler, there are powerful AI tools available that can help you succeed. From predictive-coding powers to automated chatting assistants, these cutting-edge tools offer the limitless potential to streamline your projects. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and take advantage of all the possibilities AI programming offers today. There’s no reason not to experience all the advantages that automated coding has in store.

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