The world of music is witnessing an extraordinary trend – the rise of AI song covers. Fans and artists alike are using AI technology to transform vocals, creating covers that blend familiar tunes with new, AI-generated voices. From viral renditions of Taylor Swift songs sung by the voice of Bruce Dickinson to countless other imaginative covers, the possibilities are endless. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your own AI song cover, step by step, using free tools. Alternatively, you can watch the full video here:

Tools and Resources:

Step 1: Isolate the Vocals

Finding Your Track

Begin by selecting the song you wish to cover. You can convert a YouTube video to an MP3 file using a YouTube to MP3 converter if you don’t have the track.

Extracting Vocals

Once you have your track, use a tool like Vocal Remover. This software is free and allows you to isolate vocals from the original track effectively.

Step 2: Processing the Track

Refining Vocals

Process your track to remove reverb or harmonies, which can be done using different models within the Vocal Remover.

Preparing for Voice Swap

Ensure you have both the vocal-only and the instrumental tracks ready for the next steps.

Step 3: Introducing the New Voice

Choosing Your AI Voice

Utilize tools like Google Colab or other voice cloning software to implement the new voice. You can find voice models through online communities like the AI Hub Discord channel.

Processing the Voice

Follow the instructions in the software to apply the new voice to your vocal track. Adjust settings like pitch and model types to match your desired outcome.

Step 4: Merging the Tracks

Finalizing Your Song

Use an audio editor like Audacity or a video editor like Premiere to merge your new vocal track with the instrumental track.

Adding Personal Touches

Feel free to add additional elements like guitar tracks or visuals to enhance your song cover.


Creating AI song covers is a journey of creativity and technological exploration. With the steps outlined in this guide, you have the tools and knowledge to start making your own unique covers. Remember, the key to a great AI song cover is not just in the technology but in how you use it to express your creative vision.

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