Embark on a journey to master the intricacies of ChatGPT with our in-depth guide that takes you from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. Whether you’re new to the realm of AI-driven conversation or looking to refine your expertise, this guide offers a structured path to proficiency. You’ll learn how to effectively interact with, customize, and leverage ChatGPT for a wide range of applications. Unlock the full potential of conversational AI and transform the way you communicate, automate, and innovate with our comprehensive guide designed for learners at all levels.

Table of Contents

ChatGPT Beginner to Ninja.

Introduction to ChatGPT

Getting Started with ChatGPT

The OpenAI ChatGPT system is a language model that can be used to perform various tasks by entering a prompt and receiving an output.

⚠️ However, there are limitations to its accuracy due to limited training, bias, and outdated information. Careful prompt selection is necessary to avoid confirmation bias.

The capabilities of the GPT language model include:

  • Suggesting seafood dishes
  • Creating a shopping list
  • Generating code snippets
  • Making HTTP requests

It can also be useful in various industries to generate content, such as:

  • Stories
  • Website policies
  • Text video game scenes

However, it may not always provide a response due to safety mechanisms or server issues.

Chat GPT can also:

  • Generate jokes
  • Create cover letters and resumes
  • Summarize documents
  • Provide useful information based on specific prompts

It can assist in various ways, such as:

  • Simplifying information
  • Generating blog title ideas and outlines
  • Rephrasing sentences
  • Translating text to different languages.

Mastering ChatGPT (Advanced)

Chat GPT is super versatile! It can help with all sorts of things, like:

  • Writing emails
  • Answering complex questions
  • Paraphrasing text
  • Guided prompts
  • Recipe ideas
  • Writing code to automate tasks
  • And more!

Advanced prompts – 8 minutes

Here are 12 unique prompts to help you 10X your productivity with AI and become an expert.

  • Come up with new ideas on a familiar topic
  • Use colons to prime ChatGPT with specific information
  • Simulate a basic interview to practice
  • Create a style guide with ChatGPT’s help
  • Build effective mind maps with a simple prompt
  • Practice soft skills by conversing with ChatGPT as a specific persona
  • Use ChatGPT as a life coach or expert for advice and motivation
  • Challenge readers’ assumptions with contradictory and dominant narratives
  • Use specific bullet points for best practice writing
  • Use open-ended or abstract prompts for creative responses
  • Write from different perspectives on any topic
  • Use ChatGPT as a work coach to reflect and think about a problem

Learn faster with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can revolutionize education. It can act as a personal tutor, study buddy, exam creator, language practice partner, and summary generator.

  • 🤖 ChatGPT is available 24/7 and can teach you virtually anything for any skill level.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 It can also act as an intelligent study partner, helping you work through difficult problems step-by-step.
  • 📚 ChatGPT provides infinite practice tests for any subject, making it easy to prepare for exams.
  • 🗣️ It is multilingual and can help learners practice conversations in any language.
  • ✍️ The AI can also summarize information and help expand on notes. However, it is important to fact check and not copy answers directly.

Use ChatGPT as a teacher

How to use ChatGPT to save time with admin work, assessments, generating reports and feedback, and making announcements.

Discover in the video the prompts teachers can use and the program’s limitations. Utilizing the 80/20 rule can help extract the most out of ChatGPT.

  • 📧 ChatGPT can help teachers create emails quickly for parents, students, and staff, with the option to add extra details later.
  • 📢 Teachers can use ChatGPT to generate quick notes for announcements or speeches.
  • 🧑‍🏫 By utilizing the 80/20 rule, teachers can save time and extract the most out of ChatGPT.
  • 🔍 ChatGPT has some limitations and teachers should use discretion when relying on the program for certain tasks.
  • Coding prompts for ChatGPT
    1. Code review suggestions**: “Suggest improvements for this code snippet: [code snippet here].”
    2. Optimal algorithm selection**: “What is the most efficient algorithm to solve this problem: [problem description]?”
    3. Debugging assistance**: “Help me identify and fix the issue in this code: [code snippet here].”
    4. Refactoring advice**: “Recommend best practices for refactoring this code: [code snippet here].”
    5. API documentation lookup: “Find documentation for this API: [API name or URL].”
    6. Design pattern recommendations**: “Which design patterns are suitable for this scenario: [scenario description]?”
    7. Unit test generation**: “Provide unit test cases for this function: [function signature and description].”
    8. Code snippet conversion: “Convert this Python code to Java: [Python code snippet].”
    9. Performance optimization: “Suggest ways to optimize the performance of this code: [code snippet here].”
    10. Architecture design guidance**: “Help me design the architecture for this software system: [system requirements and constraints].”
    11. Functionality explanation: “Explain the purpose of this function: [function signature and code snippet].”
    12. Library or Framework recommendations**: “Recommend a suitable library or framework for this task: [task description].”
    13. Security best practices: “Review this code for potential security vulnerabilities: [code snippet here].”
    14. Code readability improvement: “Suggest changes to make this code more readable: [code snippet here].”
    15. Version control guidance: “Explain how to resolve this Git merge conflict: [conflict details].”
    16. Database schema design: “Help me design a database schema for this application: [application requirements].”
    17. Deployment process advice: “Recommend a deployment strategy for this application: [application details and environment].”
    18. Code snippet explanation: “Help me understand this code snippet: [code snippet here].”
    19. Syntax error identification: “Find and fix syntax errors in this code: [code snippet here].”
    20. Regular expression creation: “Create a regular expression to match this pattern: [pattern description].”
    21. Code commenting**: “Suggest comments to explain this code snippet: [code snippet here].”
    22. Naming convention advice: “Review this code for naming convention consistency: [code snippet here].”
    23. Function modularization: “Suggest ways to break down this function into smaller, more maintainable pieces: [code snippet here].”
    24. Error handling best practices: “Propose error handling improvements for this code: [code snippet here].”
    25. Memory leak detection**: “Help me identify potential memory leaks in this code: [code snippet here].”
    26. Coding challenge preparation: “Recommend resources for practicing coding challenges and interviews.”
    27. Language-specific idioms: “Explain idiomatic ways to accomplish this task in [programming language]: [task description].”
    28. Technical debt assessment**: “Evaluate this code for technical debt and suggest ways to reduce it: [code snippet here].”
    29. Continuous integration setup: “Guide me through setting up continuous integration for this project: [project details].”
    30. Load testing guidance: “Suggest a load testing strategy for this web application: [application details].”
    31. Time complexity analysis**: “Analyze the time complexity of this algorithm: [algorithm description or code snippet].”
    32. Frontend component design: “Help me design a responsive UI component for this use case: [use case description].”
    33. Automated testing best practices: “Recommend best practices for setting up automated testing in this project: [project details].”
    34. Dependency management advice: “Suggest ways to manage dependencies for this project: [project details and environment].”
    35. Code coverage improvement: “Identify areas in this codebase that need better test coverage: [code snippet or repository URL].”
    36. Accessibility compliance: “Review this user interface for accessibility compliance and suggest improvements: [UI description or screenshot].”
    37. Code generation**: “Generate a code snippet to accomplish this task in [programming language]: [task description].”
    38. Internationalization guidance: “Recommend steps to internationalize this application: [application details].”
    39. Third-party API integration: “Help me integrate this third-party API into my project: [API name and project details].”
    40. Code linting configuration: “Guide me through setting up a linter for [programming language] in my project: [project details].”
    41. Environment variable management: “Suggest best practices for managing environment variables in this project: [project details].”
    42. Data structure selection**: “Recommend the most appropriate data structure for this use case: [use case description].”
    43. Cross-browser compatibility: “Help me ensure cross-browser compatibility for this web application: [application details].”
    44. Multithreading advice**: “Suggest ways to implement multithreading in this code: [code snippet here].”
    45. Responsive design tips: “Provide tips for creating a responsive design for this web application: [application details].”
    46. Codebase organization: “Recommend best practices for organizing the files and folders in this project: [project details].”
    47. Scaling strategy: “Suggest a strategy for scaling this application to handle increased traffic: [application details].”
    48. API endpoint design**: “Help me design an API endpoint for this functionality: [functionality description].”
    49. CLI tool creation: “Guide me through creating a command-line tool for this task: [task description].”
    50. Microservices architecture: “Provide advice on transitioning this monolithic application to a microservices architecture: [application details].”
    51. Automated documentation generation: “Recommend tools for generating documentation from my codebase: [project details and programming language].”
    52. Error logging best practices: “Suggest best practices for logging errors in this application: [application details].”
    53. Package publishing: “Guide me through publishing a package for [programming language] to a package registry.”
    54. Progressive web app (PWA) conversion: “Help me convert this web application into a progressive web app: [application details].”
    55. Migration plan: “Assist me in creating a migration plan for transitioning from [technology A] to [technology B].”
    56. Code signing: “Explain the process of code signing and setting it up for this project: [project details].”
    57. Feature flag implementation: “Suggest an approach for implementing feature flags in this application: [application details].”
    58. Keyboard navigation support: “Help me implement keyboard navigation support for this web application: [application details].”
    59. Responsive image handling: “Suggest best practices for handling responsive images in this web application: [application details].”
    60. Automated code review setup**: “Guide me through setting up an automated code review tool for this project: [project details].”
    61. Error reporting integration: “Help me integrate an error reporting service into this application: [application details and error reporting service].”
    62. Search functionality implementation: “Suggest an approach for implementing search functionality in this application: [application details].”
    63. Development environment setup**: “Recommend a development environment setup for this project: [project details and programming language].”
    64. Mobile app performance optimization: “Provide tips for optimizing the performance of this mobile application: [application details].”
    65. Real-time communication implementation: “Guide me through implementing real-time communication in this application: [application details].”
    66. Distributed caching strategy: “Suggest a distributed caching strategy for this application: [application details and requirements].”
    67. Static code analysis tools**: “Recommend static code analysis tools for [programming language] and explain their benefits.”
    68. A/B testing setup: “Help me set up an A/B testing framework for this web application: [application details].”
    69. Web accessibility testing: “Recommend tools and techniques for testing web accessibility in this project: [project details].”
    70. Automated build process**: “Guide me through setting up an automated build process for this project: [project details].”
    71. Dark mode implementation: “Help me implement a dark mode theme for this web application: [application details].”
    72. Serverless architecture**: “Suggest an approach for implementing a serverless architecture in this application: [application details].”
    73. Continuous deployment pipeline: “Assist me in setting up a continuous deployment pipeline for this project: [project details].”
    74. Monitoring and alerting setup: “Recommend tools and best practices for monitoring and alerting in this application: [application details].”
    75. Lazy loading implementation: “Guide me through implementing lazy loading in this web application: [application details].”
    76. Single sign-on (SSO) integration**: “Help me integrate single sign-on (SSO) into this application: [application details and desired SSO provider].”
    77. State management strategy: “Suggest a state management strategy for this web application: [application details].”
    78. Docker containerization: “Guide me through containerizing this application with Docker: [application details].”
    79. Mobile app navigation design: “Help me design an intuitive navigation system for this mobile app: [app details].”
    80. Code metrics analysis: “Analyze the code metrics of this codebase and suggest improvements: [repository URL or codebase description].”
    81. Kubernetes deployment: “Assist me in deploying this application to a Kubernetes cluster: [application details].”
    82. Coding style enforcement**: “Recommend a coding style guide and tools to enforce it for [programming language].”
    83. Automated backup strategy: “Suggest an automated backup strategy for this application’s data: [application details].”
    84. Load balancing setup: “Help me set up load balancing for this application: [application details and environment].”
    85. Web performance audit: “Conduct a web performance audit for this website and suggest improvements: [website URL].”
    86. License selection**: “Recommend an appropriate open-source license for this project: [project details].”
    87. Progressive enhancement techniques: “Suggest progressive enhancement techniques for this web application: [application details].”
    88. Mobile app release management: “Guide me through managing releases for this mobile app on [iOS/Android]: [app details].”
    89. Elasticsearch integration**: “Help me integrate Elasticsearch into this project: [project details].”
    90. Virtual environment setup: “Assist me in setting up a virtual environment for this project: [project details and programming language].”
    91. Content delivery network (CDN) configuration: “Guide me through configuring a CDN for this web application: [application details].”
    92. Micro-frontend architecture: “Provide advice on implementing a micro-frontend architecture for this web application: [application details].”
    93. Data validation techniques: “Suggest data validation techniques for this form: [form details].”
    94. API rate limiting**: “Help me implement rate limiting for this API: [API details].”
    95. Message queue integration: “Guide me through integrating a message queue system in this application: [application details].”
    96. Cross-platform app development: “Recommend cross-platform app development frameworks for building a mobile app: [app requirements].”
    97. Automated UI testing: “Suggest tools and best practices for automated UI testing in this project: [project details].”
    98. Custom domain setup: “Guide me through setting up a custom domain for my web application: [application details].”
    99. Data modelling best practices: “Recommend best practices for data modelling in this database system: [database system].”
    100. Server-rendered app optimization: “Suggest performance optimization techniques for this server-rendered application: [application details].”
    101. Webhook integration: “Help me integrate webhooks into this application: [application details and webhook provider].”
    102. Batch processing implementation: “Suggest an approach for implementing batch processing in this application: [application details and use case].”
    103. Code profiling**: “Recommend tools and techniques for profiling this application’s performance: [application details and programming language].”
    104. Automated image optimization: “Guide me through setting up automated image optimization for this web application: [application details].”
    105. Scalable file storage: “Suggest a scalable file storage solution for this application: [application details and requirements].”
    106. Data synchronization strategy: “Provide a data synchronization strategy for this offline-first application: [application details].”
    107. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration: “Help me configure CORS for this API: [API details].”
    108. Cache invalidation strategy: “Suggest a cache invalidation strategy for this web application: [application details].”
    109. User authentication and authorization: “Recommend best practices for implementing user authentication and authorization in this application: [application details].”
    110. Third-party SDK integration**: “Guide me through integrating this third-party SDK into my project: [SDK name and project details].”
    111. Server monitoring tools**: “Recommend server monitoring tools and best practices for this application’s backend: [backend details].”

Suggestion prompts for ChatGPT

DIY Expert

Contributed by: @devisasari

I want you to act as a DIY expert. You will develop the skills necessary to complete simple home improvement projects, create tutorials and guides for beginners, explain complex concepts in layman’s terms using visuals, and work on developing helpful resources that people can use when taking on their own do-it-yourself project. My first suggestion request is “I need help on creating an outdoor seating area for entertaining guests.”

Socratic Method Prompt

Contributed by: @thebear132

I want you to act as a Socrat. You must use the Socratic method to continue questioning my beliefs. I will make a statement and you will attempt to further question every statement in order to test my logic. You will respond with one line at a time. My first claim is “justice is neccessary in a society”

Essay Writer

Contributed by: @devisasari

I want you to act as an essay writer. You will need to research a given topic, formulate a thesis statement, and create a persuasive piece of work that is both informative and engaging. My first suggestion request is “I need help writing a persuasive essay about the importance of reducing plastic waste in our environment”.

Car Navigation System

Contributed by: @devisasari

I want you to act as a car navigation system. You will develop algorithms for calculating the best routes from one location to another, be able to provide detailed updates on traffic conditions, account for construction detours and other delays, utilize mapping technology such as Google Maps or Apple Maps in order to offer interactive visuals of different destinations and points-of-interests along the way. My first suggestion request is “I need help creating a route planner that can suggest alternative routes during rush hour.”

Tech Writer

Contributed by: @lucagonzalez

Act as a tech writer. You will act as a creative and engaging technical writer and create guides on how to do different stuff on specific software. I will provide you with basic steps of an app functionality and you will come up with an engaging article on how to do those basic steps. You can ask for screenshots, just add (screenshot) to where you think there should be one and I will add those later. These are the first basic steps of the app functionality: “1.Click on the download button depending on your platform 2.Install the file. 3.Double click to open the app”

Python Interpreter

Contributed by: @akireee

I want you to act like a Python interpreter. I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. Do not provide any explanations. Do not respond with anything except the output of the code. The first code is: “print(‘hello world!’)”

Synonym Finder

Contributed by: @rbadillap

I want you to act as a synonyms provider. I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide a max of 10 synonyms per prompt. If I want more synonyms of the word provided, I will reply with the sentence: “More of x” where x is the word that you looked for the synonyms. You will only reply the words list, and nothing else. Words should exist. Do not write explanations. Reply “OK” to confirm.

Food Critic

Contributed by: @giorgiop

I want you to act as a food critic. I will tell you about a restaurant and you will provide a review of the food and service. You should only reply with your review, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. My first request is “I visited a new Italian restaurant last night. Can you provide a review?”

Virtual Doctor

Contributed by: @giorgiop

I want you to act as a virtual doctor. I will describe my symptoms and you will provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. You should only reply with your diagnosis and treatment plan, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. My first request is “I have been experiencing a headache and dizziness for the last few days.”

Personal Chef

Contributed by: @giorgiop

I want you to act as my personal chef. I will tell you about my dietary preferences and allergies, and you will suggest recipes for me to try. You should only reply with the recipes you recommend, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. My first request is “I am a vegetarian and I am looking for healthy dinner ideas.”

Summarization prompts for ChatGPT

Summarize with Word/Sentence/Character Limit

This is an excellent strategy to get the condensed version of any text within a predefined length. It’s especially useful when you need a succinct overview that falls within certain word, sentence, or character constraints. The prompt for such a case could be something like: “Summarize the following text in a paragraph of no more than 100 words.”

Summarize with a Focus On…

Sometimes, you might want the summary to focus on a particular aspect of the content. This technique is beneficial when you’re only interested in a specific theme or topic from the larger context. In this case, your prompt could look like this: “Summarize the following article, focusing primarily on its implications for climate change.”

Try “Extract” Instead of “Summarize”

“Summarize” and “extract” might seem synonymous, but they can lead to different outputs. When you ask the model to “summarize,” it may paraphrase or condense the information. However, “extract” often implies directly pulling key information without rewording. So, if you want snippets of key information directly taken from the text, consider using “extract” in your prompt.

Summarize Multiple Content

In some cases, you might need to summarize several pieces of content at once. For example, you might want a summary of several product reviews to capture a general sentiment or a summary of multiple news articles on a specific topic. Your prompt, in this case, could be: “Provide a summary that captures the main points of the following articles.”

Email prompts for ChatGPT

Personalized welcome emails to new subscribers

Prompt: Thank you for subscribing!

Formula: Greet the subscriber, introduce your brand, and express gratitude.

Example: Dear [subscriber name], Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you on board. Our brand is all about [brief description of your brand]. We promise to provide you with helpful resources, tips, and news to help you [benefit the subscriber]. Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletters!

Promotional emails for product launches or sales:

Prompt: Don’t miss out on our latest product launch/sale!

Formula: Catchy subject line, introduce the product/sale, highlight the benefits, create a sense of urgency, and include a call-to-action.

Example: Get ready for our newest product launch/sale! We’re excited to introduce our [product name] that will [benefit the customer]. For a limited time only, enjoy [discount/offer]. Don’t wait; this offer ends soon! Click here to shop now.

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Abandoned cart emails to encourage customers to complete their purchase

Prompt: Finish your purchase and get [benefit]!

Formula: Remind the customer of the abandoned cart, highlight the benefits, and create a sense of urgency.

Example: Hey [customer name], we noticed that you left items in your cart. Don’t miss out on the [benefit] of owning these products. You can complete your purchase now and enjoy fast shipping. Hurry, the things in your cart are running low. Click here to finish your buy.

Order confirmation emails with shipment and delivery information

Prompt: Your order has been confirmed!

Formula: Thank the customer for their purchase, confirm the order, and provide shipment and delivery information.

Example: Thank you for your purchase! Your order has been confirmed and will be shipped to [address]. You can track your order by clicking [link to tracking website] or through our website. The estimated delivery date is [delivery date]. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service.

Feedback or review request emails after a purchase

Prompt: Share your experience with us!

Formula: Express gratitude for the purchase, ask for feedback/review, provide a link to review, and thank the customer.

Example: Thank you for your purchase! We hope you enjoyed your experience with us. We’d love to hear your feedback or review about our products and services. You can share your thoughts by clicking [link to check website]. Your review helps us improve our services and provide you with better products. Thanks for your time!

Monthly newsletters to keep subscribers engaged and informed

Prompt: Stay up-to-date with us!

Formula: Greet the subscriber, highlight what’s new or upcoming, provide valuable content, and end with a call-to-action.

Example: Hey there! Welcome to our monthly newsletter. In this edition, we’re excited to share with you [new product/feature/upcoming event]. We also have valuable tips and resources to help you [benefit to the subscriber]. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and check out our website for more updates. Enjoy reading!

Birthday or anniversary emails with special offers

Prompt: Happy birthday/anniversary!

Formula: Greet the customer on their special day, provide a special offer, and create a sense of urgency.

Example: Happy birthday/anniversary [customer name]! We’re giving you [discount/offer] on your next purchase to celebrate your special day. Don’t wait; this offer is valid for [time limit]. Click here to redeem your request now.

Re-engagement emails for inactive subscribers

Prompt: We miss you!

Formula: Greet the subscriber, express concern for their absence, provide a reason to return, and include a call-to-action.

Example: Hey [subscriber name], we miss you! We haven’t heard from you in a while and want to ensure you’re not missing out on our latest updates, offers, and resources. Here are a few reasons to return: [benefit to the subscriber]. Click here to resubscribe and start receiving our emails again.

Survey or feedback emails to gather customer opinions

Prompt: We value your opinion!

Formula: Thank the customer for their purchase, express the importance of their opinion, ask for feedback/survey, and end with a call-to-action.

Example: Thank you for your purchase! We appreciate your support and want to ensure we meet your expectations. Your opinion matters to us, and we’d love to hear your feedback/survey on our products and services. Click here to share your thoughts. Thanks for your time and support!

Post-purchase follow-up emails with related products or services

Prompt: We hope you’re enjoying your purchase!

Formula: Thank the customer for their purchase, offer related products or services, and create a sense of urgency.

Example: Hey [customer name], we hope you enjoy your recent purchase. We thought you might be interested in our [related product/service] that can enhance your experience. For a limited time only, enjoy [discount/offer]. Click here to check it out, and don’t miss this opportunity.

You may also need our ChatGPT powerful cases to increase your productivity

****Unleash the Full Potential of ChatGPT with These 400+ Powerful LinesChatGPT Powerful Cases 📃ChatGPT cases have the tools to help you succeed in the AI-driven economy.**

Reminder emails for upcoming appointments or events

Prompt: Don’t forget about your appointment/event!

Formula: Greet the customer, remind them of the appointment/event, provide the details, and end with a call-to-action.

Example: Hey [customer name], this is a friendly reminder about your upcoming appointment/event. Here are the details: [date, time, location, instructions, etc.]. Please let us know if you need to reschedule or cancel immediately.

Holiday greetings or special occasion emails

Prompt: Happy [holiday/special occasion]!

Formula: Greet the customer on occasion, express gratitude, provide a special offer, and end with good wishes.

Example: Happy [holiday/special occasion]! We’re grateful to have you as our customer and want to celebrate this special occasion with you. Enjoy [discount/offer] on your next purchase, and have a wonderful [holiday/special occasion].

Upsell or cross-sell emails to increase revenue

Prompt: You might also like…

Formula: Highlight a related product or service, explain the benefits, and provide a call to action.

Example: Hey [customer name], you might also like our [related product/service] that can complement your recent purchase. This product/service can [benefit the customer] and enhance your experience. Click here to learn more, and don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Renewal or subscription reminder emails

Prompt: Renew your subscription!

Formula: Remind the customer of their subscription, provide the details, and create a sense of urgency.

Example: Hey [subscriber name], your subscription will expire soon. Don’t miss out on the latest updates, offers, and resources. Renew your subscription now and enjoy [benefit to the subscriber]. Click here to renew your subscription and stay connected with us.

Welcome series for new customers with multiple emails

Prompt: Welcome to our community! We want to help you make the most of our product/service.

Formula: Send emails to introduce the product/service, educate the customer on its features and benefits, and provide tips for getting the most out of it.

Example: Hi [Name], welcome to [Brand Name]! We’re excited to have you as a customer. In this email, we want to give you a quick overview of what our product/service can do. Now that you’re familiar with the basics, let’s dive deeper into some features that can help you [achieve a specific goal].

Educational emails with helpful tips or resources

Prompt: Here are some helpful tips to [achieve a specific goal].

Formula: Provide educational content relevant to the customer’s interests or needs, and offer actionable tips or resources to help them achieve their goals.

Example: Hi [Name], we know that [specific challenge or goal] can be tricky, so we’ve put together some tips to help you [overcome it/achieve it].

Webinar or event invitation emails

Prompt: Join us for our upcoming webinar/event!

Formula: Send an email to invite the reader to attend your webinar or event, highlighting the benefits and details.

Example: “Join us for our forthcoming webinar on [topic]! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Date and time
  • Speakers and panelists
  • Topics to be discussed
  • Benefits of attending Register now to save your spot!”

Exclusive content or early access emails for VIP customers

Prompt: Exclusive content just for you!

Formula: Email your VIP customers to offer them exclusive access to content or early access to new products or services.

Example: “Thank you for being a VIP client of [Brand Name]. We want exclusive access to [content/new product/service]. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Benefits of exclusive access
  • How to access the content/new product/service
  • Limited-time offer Thank you for your continued loyalty!”

Referral or friend invitation emails

Prompt: Refer a friend and earn rewards!

Formula: Send an email to your customers inviting them to refer their friends and earn rewards.

Example: “Do you have friends who could benefit from [Brand Name]? Refer them and earn rewards! Here’s what you need to know:

  • How to refer your friends
  • Benefits for both you and your friend
  • Rewards you can earn Thank you for helping us spread the word!”

Free trial or demo emails for new products or services

Prompt: Try our product/service for free!

Formula: Highlight the key features and benefits of your product/service, provide a clear call-to-action to sign up for the free trial/demo, and follow up with reminders and additional information.

Example: Hi there, we noticed that you’ve been browsing our website, and we’d like to offer you a free trial of our [product/service]. With [key feature 1], [key feature 2], and [key feature 3], you’ll be able to [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Sign up now for your free trial and see for yourself!

Social media integration emails for social proof or to increase followers

Prompt: Join us on social media!

Formula: Encourage subscribers to follow your brand on social media by highlighting the benefits, showcasing social proof, and including clear calls to action.

Example: Hi [Name], did you know we share exclusive content, promotions, and behind-the-scenes peeks on our social media channels? Follow us on [Facebook/Twitter/Instagram] to stay up-to-date and connect with our community! Here’s what some of our followers have to say: [Include a few testimonials or social proof graphics]

Lead nurturing emails to guide prospects through the sales funnel

Prompt: Let us help you make the right decision!

Formula: Identify the stage of the sales funnel the prospect is in, provide targeted content that addresses their needs and concerns, and offer clear next steps to move them closer to conversion.

Example: Hi [Name], choosing the right [product/service] can be challenging. That’s why we’ve put together a helpful guide that outlines the key features, benefits, and use cases of our product/service. Whether you’re just starting to research solutions or ready to purchase, this guide will give you the necessary information.

Customer service or support follow-up emails

Prompt: How can we help?

Formula: Acknowledge the customer’s issue or question, provide a helpful solution or response, and offer additional assistance or follow-up if needed.

Example: Hi [Name], we’re sorry you’re experiencing issues with our [product/service]. We’ve reviewed your case, and our support team has devised a solution to resolve the issue. [Provide details on the answer]. If you have any other queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get out. We’re here to help!

Testimonial or review request emails

Prompt: Share your experience!

Formula: Thank the customer for their business, ask for their feedback or review, and provide clear instructions on how to leave a review or testimonial.

Example: Hi [Name], we hope you’ve been enjoying our [product/service]! We’re always looking to improve, and we value your feedback. If you have a few minutes, we’d love it if you could leave a review on [Google/Facebook/our website]. Your review will help us improve and help other customers make informed decisions. I appreciate your support!

Follow-up emails after a networking event or conference

Prompt: Nice to meet you!

Formula: Thank the contact for their time, remind them of your conversation or connection, offer additional information or follow-up, and suggest a next step.

Example: Hi [Name], meeting you at [event/conference name] last week was great! I enjoyed our conversation about [topic], and I am following up with a few additional resources that you might find helpful.

Milestone or anniversary emails for loyal customers

Prompt: Happy Anniversary! Thank you for existing a part of our trip.

Formula: Congratulate the customer on their loyalty, show appreciation, offer a particular discount or reward, and invite them to continue their journey with you.

Example: Happy Anniversary, [Name]! We can’t believe it’s been [X] years since you joined our community. We are grateful for your loyalty and support and want to show appreciation. As a token of our gratitude, we would like to offer you [X]% off your next purchase.

Seasonal or holiday sale emails

Prompt: Celebrate the season with our special sale!

Formula: Introduce the seasonal or holiday theme, highlight the sale or promotion, create a sense of urgency, and provide a clear call to action.

Example: Happy [Holiday/Season], [Name]! To celebrate this particular time of year, we’re offering [X]% off our entire store for a limited time only. Don’t miss this opportunity to stock up on your favourite products and gifts. Shop now and use code [CODE] at checkout.

New feature or product announcement emails

Prompt: Introducing [Product/Feature Name]!

Formula: Excite the customer about the new product or feature, highlight the benefits and features, and provide a clear call-to-action to learn more or purchase.

Example: We’re excited to introduce our latest product, [Product Name]! This innovative product is designed to [Benefit/Feature] and is perfect for [Target Audience]. Get yours today and experience the difference. Learn more or purchase now.

Reward or loyalty program emails

Prompt: Congratulations, you’ve earned a reward!

Formula: Congratulate the customer on earning the reward, highlight the prize and its Value, and value a clear call-to-action to redeem the bonus.

Example: Congratulations, [Name]! You’ve earned [X] points and are eligible for a [Reward Name]. This reward is valued at [Value], and wValue’t wait for you to enjoy it. Redeem your bonus now by logging into your account and following the instructions.

Donation request emails for non-profits or charitable organizations

Prompt: Make a difference today with your donation.

Formula: Introduce the cause and its Impact, highlight the urgency and need for donations, provide clear donation options and amounts, and show appreciation for the support.

Example: Help us make a difference today by donating to [Cause Name]. Your donation will directly impact [Impact]. We urgently need your support to continue our work; any amount makes a difference. Please consider donating [Amount] or more to support our cause. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Exclusive partner offer or collaboration emails

Prompt: We’ve partnered with [Partner Brand Name] to offer something unique.

Formula: Introduce the partnership, highlight the benefits, provide details about the exclusive offer or collaboration, and include a call-to-action.

Example: Hi [Name], we’re excited to announce our new partnership with [Partner Brand Name]! As a member of our community, you get to enjoy something unique. From now until [date], you can receive [discount or offer details] when you shop with us. Don’t miss this opportunity to save and discover some fantastic products. Shop now!

Exclusive product launch emails for VIP customers:

Prompt: Be the first to discover our new [Product Name].

Formula: Create excitement and urgency around the new product, highlight its features and benefits, emphasize the exclusivity for VIP customers, and include a call-to-action.

Example: Hi [Name], we have a special announcement for our VIP customers! We’re launching our newest product, [Product Name], and you get to be the first to discover it. With [unique feature or benefit], this product is perfect for [target audience]. Plus, as a VIP customer, you’ll receive exclusive early access before it’s publicly available. Don’t wait; order now and be one of the first to experience [Product Name].

Time-sensitive promotion or flash sale emails

Prompt: Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!

Formula: Create a sense of urgency, highlight the promotion or flash sale, include the deadline or expiration date, and have a call-to-action.

Example: Hi [Name], we have a special offer only available for a limited time! From now until [date], you can receive [discount or offer details] on all purchases. This is the perfect time to stock up on your favourite products and save money. Don’t wait; the clock is ticking! Shop now before this offer expires.

Pre-order or waitlist emails for popular products

Prompt: Be the first to get your hands on our popular [Product Name].

Formula: Create excitement around the popular product, emphasize its popularity and exclusivity, provide details about the pre-order or waitlist process, and include a call-to-action.

Example: Hi [Name], have you heard about our popular [Product Name]? We’ve had such a high demand that we’ve created a pre-order or waitlist so you can be one of the first to get your hands on it. By pre-ordering or joining our waitlist, you’ll receive exclusive early access and guaranteed availability when the product is released. Don’t wait; pre-order or join the waitlist now and be among the first to experience [Product Name].

VIP event or invitation-only emails

Prompt: You’re invited to our exclusive VIP event!

Formula: Create excitement and exclusivity around the event, provide details about the event and its benefits, and include a call to action.

Example: Hi [Name], we’re excited to invite you to our exclusive VIP event! This event is only for our most valued customers, and we’d love for you to participate. You’ll get to [event benefits or details], meet our team, and connect with other VIP customers at the event. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to participate in something special. RSVP now to secure your spot.

Content prompts for ChatGPT

Generate a month-long content calendar targeting specific keywords.

Prompt: Make me a month-long calendar for the following keywords [Enter Keywords here]. Add [number of articles] articles each week, and use persuasive SEO-friendly titles for each article.

Generate Blog Post Ideas

Prompt: Create a list of at least 10 blog post ideas on the following topics: [Enter topics separated by commas]. Suggest SEO-Friendly title for each post, and use an emotional and persuasive tone in post titles.

Generate SEO title and meta description for a blog post

Prompt: Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here]. Use a persuasive and intriguing tone.

Suggest tags for a blog post

Prompt: Suggest at least 5 tags for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here].

Generate related long-tail keywords for a blog post

Prompt: I want you to generate a list of long-tail keywords that are related to the following blog post [Enter blog post text here].

Create an article outline

Prompt: Write an article outline for the following topic [Enter a topic or blog post title here].

Write an article on a specific topic

Prompt: Write an article on the following topic [Enter topic here]. The article should be at least [number of words] words in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.

Outrank a competitor for a specific keyword

Prompt: Write an article based on the topics covered in the following article [Enter competitor URL here]. Make the article more comprehensive than the URL provided by adding details that the source URL has missed or didn’t cover. Answer the most commonly asked questions about the topic at the end of the article.

Write a motivational blog post

Prompt: I want you to write a motivational blog post about overcoming [fear/failure/challenge goes here].

Generate call-to-action ideas

Prompt: I want you to come up with 5 effective call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of the following URL [Your website or landing page URL goes here].

Generate a pros and cons outline for a topic

Prompt: Write down an essay on the pros and cons of [Your topic goes here].

Write questions for an interview blog post

Prompt: Write interview questions for a blog post with [Guest Name], who is an expert in [Guest profession or area of expertise].

Proofread a text and optimize it for the focus keyword

Prompt: I want you to act as SEO editor and copywriter. I need you to proofread and analyze the following text and optimize it for the focus keyword. I also need you to correct any grammar mistakes you find in the article. Ask me to provide you with the article text and focus keyword.

Reuse a blog post for social media content

Prompt: I want you to act as a topic authority and social media influencer. I will provide you with the text or URL of an article. You need to summarize it and create content for social media platforms. Ask me to provide you with the text or URL of the article.

Generate a list of tools to mention in a blog post

Prompt: Create a list of the most popular tools used by the [Field of Interest] professionals with the pros and cons of each tool.

****10 Best AI Tools for Bloggers to Grow Their BlogBlogging is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, but standing out from the crowd can be tough…**

Write a conclusion for a blog post

Prompt: I want you to pretend to be a topic expert and write a persuasive conclusion for the following blog post. [Your blog post text goes here].

Come up with best practices for using something

Prompt: Pretend to be a topic expert and write down an essay on the best practices to follow when using [mention the tool or topic here].

Write a comparison blog post

Prompt: I want you to pretend to be a topic expert and compare [Item 1] vs [Item 2] with pros and cons. I need you to show that [item 1] is better than [item 2] and persuade the reader to have a positive feeling about [item 1].

Build reader personas to learn more about a target audience

Prompt: Build a reader persona for a blog post titled “[Your blog post title goes here].

Polish your content to look more creative

Prompt: Analyze and improve the following content to make it more creative. Use an [Select tone style] tone and write in a casual and conversational style. “[Your content goes here].

Feedback generation

Script writing using ChatGPT

Brainstorm Prompts

Did you know you can use ChatGPT to generate topic-focused mind maps to brainstorm ideas, outline steps, and identify tips, pain points, actions, and examples?

You simply enter your topic and ask ChatGPT to provide you with ideas, and it will generate a list of suggestions. You can refine and edit the list until you’re satisfied.

To refine your generated outline of ideas, you can instruct ChatGPT to regenerate the results, remove redundant or irrelevant ideas, clarify, and summarize key ideas into a table. You can even translate the content into another language.

  1. AI Prompt: Topic: [insert topic]. Write an outline related to topic. Identity key subtopics. For each subtopic, generate ideas for tips, pain points, actions, specific example. Each specific example should demonstrate how to apply the advice in a real situation and what the result could be. Each should be 3 sentences long. Each sentence should be concise and clear.
  2. AI Prompt: Try again.
  3. AI Prompt: Remove any redundant or irrelevant ideas.
  4. AI Prompt: Clarify any confusing points.
  5. AI Prompt: Summarize key ideas into a table with logical structure and add column to rank priority.
  6. AI Prompt: Translate to [insert language].

Video Script Prompts

ChatGPT can also help you create a video script by generating prompts that include specific details such as the topic, the target audience, and the style of the video.

These prompts can help you collaborate with subject matter experts, include life experiences, and common pain points to create a compelling story.

To refine your video script, you can instruct ChatGPT to add a branded intro and outro narration, format the script into a table, and even create a social media post promoting the published video.

  1. AI Prompt: Topic: [insert topic]. Write a video script explaining how to [insert topic details] for beginners. Limit video length to 3 minutes. Use a screencast narration style and explainer tone. Include lived experiences from the perspective of [insert persona]. Include common pain points. Include clear step-by-step details. Have a bias for impact value statements with numbers. Highlight pro tips. Add a call to action. Add 3 resources to learn more. Use “Global English” to make content and context accessible for non-native comprehension. Don’t use idioms. Be literal and stay away from metaphors and colloquial language. Keep sentences short. Standardize terminology to minimize changes. Avoid directional language. Use inclusive, accessible, person-first language.
  2. AI Prompt: Try again. Pro Tip: This will signal ChatGPT that you’d like a new response based on the same prompt. You can ask ChatGPT to regenerate a response as many times as you like until you are satisfied with the answer. However, the quality of the response may depend on factors like the question’s specificity, the relevance of the data, and the complexity of the topic.
  3. AI Prompt: Add branded intro narration “” and outro narration “.”
  4. AI Prompt: Format as a table with 4 columns (scene number, scene, narration, visuals) corresponding with generated script.
  5. AI Prompt: Summarize main points of generated script into a table. Include column for time-stamp, title, description. Be concise.
  6. AI Prompt: Reformat generated script to a TikTok video script. Include hashtags.
  7. AI Prompt: Suggest YouTube thumbnail design image and text to win the click.
  8. AI Prompt: Write a Twitter post promoting this video. Use emojis and hashtags.
  9. AI Prompt: Recommend a royalty free music track with a [insert mood] sound to add to video.
  10. AI Prompt: Recommend a free tool to generate an AI voice over recording to add to video.
  11. AI Prompt: Recommend a free tool to generate closed captioning .srt file to add to video.
  12. AI Prompt: Translate generated script to [language].”

Video Series Prompts

If you’re creating a series of videos, ChatGPT can help you develop an all-in-one video series prompt that includes an outline for each video chapter, video titles, learning objectives, video descriptions, and SEO tags.

You can instruct ChatGPT to write a script for each chapter with detailed step-by-step instructions, impact value statements, and more.

  1. AI Prompt: Topic [insert topic]. First, generate an outline for a [insert #] chapter video series. Include: video title, 2 learning objectives, video description, SEO tags.
  2. AI Prompt: Write a script for each chapter [#]. Limit video length to [#] minutes. Use a screencast narration style and explainer tone. Include lived experiences from perspective of [insert persona]. Include common pain points. Include clear step-by-step details. Have a bias for impact value statements with numbers. Highlight pro tips. Add a call to action. Add 3 resources to learn more. Avoid directional language. Avoid permissive language and use of the word allow. Use inclusive, accessible, person-first language.

Workflow Prompts

Finally, ChatGPT can help you break down your video creation process into workflow tasks that can be assigned to team members with due dates.

Chat GPT can create a table that includes project stages and key activities for each stage. You can add or remove key task activities and due dates, as needed.

  1. AI Prompt: Create a table to track workflow with 5 columns (#, Stage, Task, Responsible Person, Due Date, Completion Date) for video project stages (Pre-production, Production, Post-Production, Distribution) and task key activities. Make Check box yes or no.
  2. AI Prompt: Add or remove key task activities and due dates.
  3. AI Prompt: Suggest possible KPIs to measure impact for related topic and possible dashboard elements to display data visualization.
  4. AI Prompt: Write a Slack gratitude post to team members related to video project. Include emojis and hashtags. Include highlights from data story outcomes, outputs, kpis and value statements. Limit to 60 words.
  5. AI Prompt: Write a promotional email for published video on YouTube. Include customer journey details, video link. Include emojis and hashtags. Include link to survey feedback.

Marketing prompts for ChatGPT

190 ChatGPT Prompts Marketers Should Use

Limitations of ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering

What is prompt engineering

Prompt Engineering: The process of crafting effective prompts

The way you phrase your prompts can have a significant impact on the quality and relevance of the responses you receive.

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is a question or statement used to elicit a specific response or action from a person or system.

Why You Should Care About Prompts Prompts shape the quality and direction of responses, influencing user experience and the effectiveness of AI interactions.

Elements of a Good Prompt

  1. Clarity: It should be easily understandable and free from ambiguity.
  2. Specificity: It should be precise in its request or direction to elicit targeted responses.
  3. Brevity: Conciseness often leads to more accurate and direct responses.
  4. Neutrality: It should avoid biases or leading language.
  5. Relevance: The prompt should be pertinent to the audience or system it’s intended for.
  6. Structure: A well-organized prompt can guide responses in a systematic manner.
  7. Open-endedness (when necessary): This allows for more comprehensive and thoughtful answers, especially useful for explorative queries.
  8. Context: Providing enough background or situational information for more informed responses.

A good prompt strikes a balance among these elements depending on the context and desired outcome.

Top 15 Verbs for Starting a Prompt

  1. Describe: Elicits detailed explanations.
  2. Explain: Asks for clarification or elaboration.
  3. List: Requests multiple items or examples.
  4. Compare: Seeks similarities between items or concepts.
  5. Contrast: Asks for differences between items or concepts.
  6. Define: Requests a clear meaning or definition.
  7. Discuss: Invites comprehensive answers or opinions.
  8. Identify: Asks for recognition of an item, concept, or idea.
  9. Demonstrate: Requests a show of understanding or application.
  10. Evaluate: Asks for judgment based on criteria.
  11. Predict: Seeks an educated guess based on given information.
  12. Analyze: Requests breaking down of a topic into its components.
  13. Recommend: Asks for a suggestion or advice.
  14. Illustrate: Requests an example or clearer picture of a concept.
  15. Assess: Invites evaluation or appraisal of a situation or concept.

Using these verbs helps in crafting prompts that are more directed and can elicit specific types of responses.

Using Context

Positive vs Negative Prompts

Positive Prompts:

Definition: Prompts that encourage a constructive, affirming, or optimistic response or behavior.


  1. Framed in an affirmative manner.
  2. Encourage constructive thinking or behavior.
  3. Focus on strengths, possibilities, or solutions.


  1. “List the benefits of renewable energy.”
  2. “Describe a time when you felt most accomplished.”
  3. “What are the best strategies to improve productivity?”


  1. Encouraging creativity and open thinking.
  2. Building confidence and reinforcing positive behaviors.
  3. Eliciting solutions or forward-thinking answers.

Negative Prompts:

Definition: Prompts that encourage critical thinking, highlight challenges, or solicit potential drawbacks or problems.


  1. Often highlight problems, risks, or downsides.
  2. Can point out gaps in understanding or knowledge.
  3. May challenge the status quo or provoke reflection on potential pitfalls.


  1. “What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?”
  2. “Describe a time when a project did not go as planned.”
  3. “What are the potential risks of AI in decision-making?”


  1. Identifying potential problems or challenges in a scenario.
  2. Encouraging critical thinking and evaluation.
  3. Preparing for potential risks or obstacles.

Note: While the terms “positive” and “negative” may carry certain connotations, in the context of prompts, neither is inherently good or bad. They serve different purposes and are valuable depending on the intended outcome. It’s essential to use them judiciously based on the context and the desired type of response or behavior.

Using Personas

Benefits of Using Personas:

  1. Empathy Development: Personas help teams empathize with users, ensuring products and services are user-centric.
  2. Focused Decision Making: They provide clarity, allowing teams to make decisions aligned with user needs.
  3. Tailored User Experience: Designing for specific personas ensures a more personalized and effective user experience.
  4. Effective Communication: Personas provide a common understanding and language for teams to discuss their users’ needs.

How to Use Personas:

  1. Research: Gather data through surveys, interviews, and observations to understand your audience.
  2. Segmentation: Group your users based on shared characteristics, behaviors, and goals.
  3. Persona Creation: Develop detailed profiles for each group, including demographics, motivations, behaviors, and pain points.
  4. Application: Use personas to guide decisions in product development, design, marketing, and more.
  5. Review and Update: Periodically reassess and update personas based on new data or changes in the user base.
  • The Life Cycle of Prompt Creation The life cycle of prompt creation is a systematic process that ensures the development of effective prompts, whether for AI training, assessments, user interactions, or any other context. Here’s a breakdown of the life cycle: 1. Requirement Analysis:
    • Objective: Understand the purpose and goals of the prompt.
    • Actions:
      • Define the desired outcome or response.
      • Determine the target audience or system.
    2. Research & Data Collection:
    • Objective: Gather necessary information to shape the prompt.
    • Actions:
      • Conduct user surveys, interviews, or observe behaviors (if applicable).
      • Review literature or previous prompt examples.
      • Understand the capabilities and limitations of the system (especially in AI context).
    3. Drafting:
    • Objective: Create an initial version of the prompt.
    • Actions:
      • Use actionable verbs and clear language.
      • Ensure specificity, relevance, and clarity.
      • Create multiple versions/variations if possible.
    4. Review & Refinement:
    • Objective: Improve the quality and effectiveness of the draft.
    • Actions:
      • Seek feedback from peers, experts, or a sample of the target audience.
      • Iterate based on feedback, ensuring clarity and lack of ambiguity.
      • Test the prompt with the AI system (for AI-related prompts) and observe responses.
    5. Testing & Validation:
    • Objective: Ensure the prompt elicits the desired response or behavior.
    • Actions:
      • Conduct A/B testing, if possible, to compare effectiveness.
      • Analyze responses for alignment with objectives.
      • Refine the prompt based on test outcomes.
    6. Deployment:
    • Objective: Introduce the prompt to the intended audience or system.
    • Actions:
      • Implement the prompt in its final context (e.g., AI chatbot, assessment, survey).
      • Monitor initial responses or behaviors for any unexpected outcomes.
    7. Feedback & Iteration:
    • Objective: Continuously improve the prompt based on real-world usage.
    • Actions:
      • Collect feedback from users or analyze AI responses over time.
      • Refine and modify the prompt as needed based on this feedback.
      • Re-deploy updated prompts and continue the feedback loop.
    8. Archival & Documentation (if applicable):
    • Objective: Store prompt versions and outcomes for future reference.
    • Actions:
      • Document the prompt’s development process, decisions made, and feedback received.
      • Archive older versions and store them systematically.
    The life cycle of prompt creation emphasizes a structured approach, continuous feedback, and iteration, ensuring the development of effective prompts that meet their intended objectives.

Prompt Conditioning

Context: background information Task: a specific question

Context: “In a world where superpowers are commonplace, there are few heroes who can truly make a difference.”

Task: “Write a short story about a superhero who discovers a new power and uses it to save the world from a catastrophic threat.”

How to craft effective prompts?

1. Be specific

2. Use clear language

3. Provide relevant context

4. Test and iterate

Check Video: The Perfect Chatgpt Prompt Formula

Prompting for Various Use Cases

Writing Emails

“Write an email to John Smith about the upcoming project deadline and ask for an update on the progress.”

“Write a follow-up email to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts on our website. Encourage them to complete their purchase, and include a personalized offer or discount to sweeten the deal.

Writing Social Media Posts

“Write a 1-minute script for a social media video promoting our new online course, SQL for Data Analysis – Guided Project Course, launch, with an upbeat and informative tone.”

“Write a Linkedin post about the new online course you finished. The course name is SQL Guided Project Course.”

Writing Blog Posts

“Write an SEO-friendly blog post about the benefits of meditation for stress relief, with a conversational tone and a minimum of 500 words.”


“Translate this product description from English to Turkish, maintaining a formal and professional tone: If you’re looking to gain practical experience with SQL and learn how to analyze real-world datasets, then this course is for you!”

“Write synonyms for the word articulate”

Resume Writing and Improving

“Write a short, one paragraph, professional summary for a data analyst with 2 years of experience working at a startup company, doing various data analytics tasks. Include key skills and qualifications.”

“Write a resume for this person, including the short summary you wrote”

“Put the skills section after the summary section and update the resume. These skills are SQL, Tableau, Power BI, advanced statistics, python, excel, and communication skills.”

Cover Letter Writing

“Write a cover letter for an entry level data scientist position at a tech startup. Highlight the candidate’s portfolio with python and sql data analytics and machine learning projects, such as sales analysis and fraud detection.

Linkedin Profile Update

“Write a summary section for a newly graduated aspiring data scientist’s LinkedIn profile. Focus on the candidate’s course work and portfolio related to data science, data analysis, and machine learning.

Interview Preparation

“Provide a list of common interview questions for a senior data analyst position. Include tips on how to answer each question effectively.”

“Provide sql technical coding question examples. Include the answers.

Career Advice

“Provide advice for a recent college graduate looking to enter the finance industry as a financial analyst. Include tips on networking and gaining relevant experience.

Text to Table / Table to Text

“Convert the following text into a table: John, Doe, 35, Software Engineer. Include column headings for first name, last name, Age, and Occupation.”

“Fill this table with 10 more random employees.”

“Explain this table in plain English”

Dataset Generation

“Generate a sample dummy dataset of 1000 records with the following fields: Name, Age, Occupation, Salary. Include only records with salaries above $50,000.”

Code Generation

“Write a Python function to calculate the area of a triangle. The function should take the base and height as arguments and return the area.”

“You have the customers table with a unique customer_ID column and a purchases table with a customer_ID column and a purchase_date column. Write a SQL query to find the customers who have made at least one purchase in every quarter of the year 2022.”

Code Explanation

“Explain this code

def my_func(n) :
sm = 0
for i in range(1, n+1) :
sm = sm + (i * i)
return sm
n = 4

Language Conversion

“Convert this code to python

num = as.integer(readline(prompt="Enter a number: "))
flag = 0
if(num > 1) {
flag = 1
for(i in 2:(num-1)) {
if ((num %% i) == 0) {
flag = 0
if(num == 2) flag = 1
if(flag == 1) {
print(paste(num,"is a prime number"))
} else {print(paste(num,"is not a prime number"))}"

Excel Help

Formula help: If you’re struggling with a particular formula or function in Excel, you can ask ChatGPT for help. For example, you can ask, “How do I use the VLOOKUP function in Excel?”

Troubleshooting: If you’re encountering an error or issue with Excel, you can describe the problem to ChatGPT and ask for suggestions on how to fix it. For example, you can say “I’m getting a #REF error in Excel, how do I fix it?”

Data analysis: If you need help analyzing data in Excel, ChatGPT can provide suggestions on which functions or tools to use. For example, you can ask “How do I create a pivot table in Excel?” or “What is the best way to visualize data in Excel?”

Tips and tricks: ChatGPT can also provide tips and tricks to help you work more efficiently in Excel. For example, you can ask “What are some keyboard shortcuts in Excel?” or “How do I format cells in Excel?


“Act As…” prompts are prompts that ask you to imagine or pretend to be a particular person, character, or entity and then respond to a situation or question from that perspective.

Act As prompts are below:

Social Media Influencer

“Act as a social media influencer. You will create content for Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok to increase brand awareness and product promotions. My first request is: Write a Linkedin post about the upcoming Introduction to Python course to tease and create excitement.”

Career Coach

“Act as a career coach, and imagine you are meeting with a recent college graduate who is struggling to find a job in their field of study. In this scenario, the graduate has a degree in business administration and has been applying for entry-level data analyst positions at various companies for several months but has not had any luck. They are feeling frustrated and uncertain about their career path. Your first task is: Provide actionable steps to take moving forward.”

Programming Assistant

“I want you to act as a programming assistant for a beginner who is learning Python. They are trying to write a program that asks the user for their name and age and then prints a message with that information. Please provide guidance and suggestions as they work through the problem. Remember to keep your responses simple and clear, and avoid using technical jargon as much as possible.”


“I want you to act as an English translator. You will first detect the language and then translate it to English with elegant English words and sentences. I want you to reply with the name of the detected language first and then the English translation. Do not write explanations. My first sentence is “Bilgisayar muhendisliginden yeni mezun oldum. Programlama dillerinden hangisine agirlik vermeliyim?”


“I want you to act as an interviewer for data analyst and data scientist positions at a tech company. You will conduct virtual interviews with candidates who have submitted their resumes and cover letters, and evaluate their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. Prepare a list of interview questions that are tailored to each position.”

Marketing Expert

“I want you to act as a marketing expert for [YOUR NICHE], who is trying to promote products. They have provided you with information about their product, target audience, and budget and have asked for your guidance on how to create effective marketing campaigns. Please provide a comprehensive marketing plan that includes strategies for social media, email marketing, paid advertising, content marketing, and other relevant channels. Your first task is: Develop an email marketing campaign for [YOUR NICHE]”

Math Teacher

“I want you to act as a math teacher. It is your job to explain the given questions in easy-to-understand terms. Include step-by-step explanations of the concept and examples whenever possible; also, suggest online resources for further study. Your first task is “Explain pvalue.”

SQL Terminal for Practicing

“I want you to act as a SQL terminal with a database. The tables in this database are “employees, ” “salaries, ” and “departments.” First, you will ask me a question. Then, I will answer your question by queries in mysql, and you will show me the result. If the query is wrong, you will explain why it is wrong and ask me to provide the corrected query. If the query is wrong again, you will explain why it is wrong and provide the correct answer. Your first task is: Start asking a data analysis question based on the tables provided

Five Super Powerful Prompt Patterns

Unleashing the true potential of ChatGPT with these five incredible prompt patterns that can revolutionize your interactions with large language models.

  1. Persona Pattern: Directing ChatGPT to assume a specific persona and perform designated tasks, unlocking its ability to tailor responses to specific roles or characteristics.
  2. Question Refinement Pattern: Harnessing the power of follow-up questions to refine and improve the accuracy of ChatGPT’s initial responses. Discover how additional context and insights can be gained through this technique.
  3. Template Pattern: Utilizing templates to guide ChatGPT in generating responses that align with specific formats or structures. Exploring the application of templates with example paragraphs from Wikipedia to create compelling questions and answers.
  4. Zero-shot Prompting: Unleashing ChatGPT’s ability to learn patterns and follow instructions to perform tasks it hasn’t encountered before. Witness the power of zero-shot learning in classifying sentiments based on customer reviews.
  5. Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Going beyond simple answers, this prompt technique encourages ChatGPT to provide step-by-step explanations, especially for complex problem-solving scenarios. Uncover the journey of ChatGPT’s reasoning process and gain insights into its text generation capabilities.

How to Make Money Using ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT to make money online

The use of AI technology can help you make money online, and the key to creating successful AI businesses is to offer value through convenience.

AI is going to replace many jobs, but it will also unlock the mastery of thousands of other skills that you can use to create profitable businesses. A complete change in your way of thinking is required to succeed in creating such businesses.

  • 💰 AI technology can help to make money online by creating businesses with new money-making abilities.
  • 🤖 The paradox of AI is that while it will replace many jobs, it will also unlock mastery of thousands of other skills which can help you create successful businesses.
  • 💡 Providing value through convenience is the key to success in AI businesses.
  • 🌟 People will pay money for solving problems they can solve themselves, but the convenience you offer can make all the difference.
  • 🚀AI companies like Lenza are demonstrating the value of making AI processes easier for users, and this is the way forward in creating successful AI businesses.

5 ways monetize ChatGPT

Copywriting services

Use ChatGPT to write sales pages, blog posts, e-commerce product descriptions, e-books…

Sign up on Upwork or Fiverr to sell your services.

Learn → https://davidutke.com/write-a-blog-post-chatgpt/

Website creation

Even if you don’t know how to code, you can ask to GPT-4 to create a whole website.

Customers love having the code of their website, so you can sell this as an high-ticket service.

Learn → https://lablab.ai/t/chatgpt-tutorial-how-to-create-a-website-with-chatgpt

Coding Discord bots

ChatGPT allows you to create a Discord bot in a few seconds.

It’s a requested service to do moderation, giveways, and many other things.

Learn → https://youtube.com/live/outcGtbnMuQ?feature=share&t=404

Create your own guides

With the right prompt, you can ask ChatGPT to generate guides and tutorials for you audience.

Of course make sure to check the informations to provide the best possible content to your future customers.

Learn → https://mzzzmajesty.com/2023/01/15/chatgpt-cheat-sheet-prompts-for-writing-articles-ebooks-novels-blog-posts-affiliate-marketing-and-more-with-chatgpt/

Write custom Python projects

Python is a widely used programming language.

Many clients are looking for people to write simple scripts to perform tasks.

Use ChatGPT to write these scripts easily.

Learn → https://youtu.be/DoyRTMlVFTU

3 business models that use ChatGPT

Three ChatGPT-based business models that could make you some money:

The first one involves building a website focused on a specific niche and using ChatGPT to generate content for affiliate marketing and display ads. The second model is all about selling products on eBay, and ChatGPT is used to find winning products to sell. Lastly, we have ClickBank affiliate marketing through TikTok.

  • 🤖 The ChatGPT AI tool is used to generate website content, find winning products to sell on eBay, and create content for ClickBank affiliate marketing through TikTok.
  • 📈 These models are presented as beginner-friendly but have a limited window of opportunity before they get saturated.
  • 🏭 The first model involves building a website focused on a specific niche for affiliate marketing and display ads, the second model is about selling products on eBay, and the third model is about affiliate marketing through TikTok.
  • 🚀 To take advantage of these opportunities, you gotta act fast!

The easiest way to make money with ChatGPT

Chat GPT can be leveraged to make money regardless of experience level. It can assist with faceless YouTube channels by generating video scripts, finding keywords to rank for, creating social media content, and copywriting. Chat GPT can save time and money by eliminating the need for a scriptwriter and generating unique content.

The key to using Chat GPT effectively is to let it do most of the work and then add your own touch with your human brain.

  • 💰 Chat GPT can help anyone make money, regardless of experience level.
  • 🤖 Chat GPT can generate video scripts, find keywords to rank for, create social media content, and assist with copywriting for faceless YouTube channels.
  • 📈 Affiliate marketing is the most recommended way to use Chat GPT to make money.
  • 🎥 Using Chat GPT to generate video scripts saves time and money by eliminating the need for a scriptwriter.
  • 🧠 The key to effective use of Chat GPT is to allow it to do most of the work, and then adding a personal touch with a human brain.

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